- Visitation is permitted at all times as long as they do not infringe upon another resident’s rights.
- While it is not recommended to enter the facility during an outbreak due to safety concerns, visitors are permitted to enter, understanding the increased risk of transmission of the virus.
- Although discouraged, visitors may conduct a visit with a resident in quarantine and isolation. The visit must take place in the resident room and additional PPE will be offered to visitors entering these types of rooms.
- Visitors are expected to follow any visitation guidelines required by the facility, to maintain the health and safety of all residents
- Visitors should understand the health risks of COVID-19 and the importance of taking steps to minimize exposure for all the residents of the home.
- Visitors not willing to follow the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention outlined on this document will not be permitted in the facility or may be asked to leave the facility.
- All residents and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear facial coverings and social distance at all times while in the facility and in all visitation areas.
- Hand hygiene is highly recommended before and after visitation in this case.
- Visitors are required to participate in a health screening during the entrance process.
- Visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, or currently meet the criteria for quarantine, will not be permitted to enter the facility.
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to share their vaccination status with our facility.
- Visitors are required to physically distance themselves from other residents and staff during visitation.
- For in-door arrangements, all visitors are required to remain in the visitation area and limit their movement in the facility (e.g. not wander through the facility) to reduce the risk of transmission. Visitors should go directly to the visitation space and then exit the facility as soon as possible after the visit is complete.
- Although there is not currently a limit on the number of visitors that are permitted at a given time, please note that social distancing must be accommodated during visitation. On certain occasions, limitations to visitors may apply to ensure safety measures can be met.
- If a resident’s roommate is unvaccinated or immunocompromised (regardless of vaccination status) visitation should not be conducted in the resident’s room. The resident will be asked to conduct their visit in the visitation area.
- Residents and visitors will not be permitted to eat or drink during visitation when masks are required